
Give Me Your Eyes... Love This Song

Monday, January 3, 2011

10 Days Till Kenya!!!

So in 10 days I will be on a plane to KENYA! Yay. I'm getting so excited.

Today I am shopping for little things: sunscreen, bug spray, over-the-counter meds, stickers for the kids...

I also am buying my insurance today. I don't know why I keep putting it off; I think maybe because it's boring. :)

Thank you for all the people who are praying! God has continued to bless this trip through more donations (more than I think I need... but he knows more than me) and people who have tips for me because they've been to Kenya. I hadn't realized it was a popular place to be if you're from GR, but it seems to be.

The extra donation money is in my saving account to spend on the kids or any extra expenses that show up. I'm excited to have extra so I can get craft supplies, games, or maybe shoes for the orphans.

I love these kids, and I haven't even met them. I can't wait to go!!!

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