
Give Me Your Eyes... Love This Song

Tuesday, February 1, 2011


I think it's starting to catch up with me: the emotional stress of this trip so far.

I feel exhausted, and I'm losing my patience with Moraa. She is still so wonderful in regards to her example of a great Christian woman, but since last week she has been asking me for money constantly each day. One of the previous volunteers, Debbie, loaded 2 taxis full of food and toiletries last week. Now, Moraa is making me feel like I should do the same. It's starting to be stressful, because I came to help and love on the kids. I cannot be a benefactor because I'm poor too!

Oh well. Two new girls are coming today so I hope that will take some of the pressure off of me.

I am off to eat lunch and then take a nap. :)

God Bless,

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