
Give Me Your Eyes... Love This Song

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Mombasa is actually Fun!

I thought I'd update after my slightly depressing and sad post. I am actually having a lot of fun in Mombasa. It is soooo much safer than Nairobi!

I've ridden in a tuktuk, gone out to an Indian restaurant, spent the whole day at a resort pool (only$6!), watched my soap opera (ha), eaten icecream, gone out for a drink, and today I'm getting henna done.

There are more people here now. Today I'm spending the day with 2 different girls than yesterday and the day before. :) I love new friends.

The only sad thing is that I've forgotten my phone charger, so I can't make any more calls till I return to Nairobi on Thursday. But, that's ok. I still have email, facebook, and my blog.

I hope you're all having a fantastic week!

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