
Give Me Your Eyes... Love This Song

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Second Update Letter

The second update letter is sent. If you don't receive yours and would like one, please let me know!

The main topics of interest on the letter:

1. We are at 20% of our support goal. There is $1700 left to raise. I'm not worried... I am absolutely positive that going to Kenya is God's will, and he will provide a way.
2. A girl from work may be coming down with me for two weeks! :-) It would be so great to have someone to work with that I already know. Plus, she's super fun and sweet.

3. A group of Calvin College students are headed down to Nairobi, Kenya in January. I'm going to contact of the of the girls to see if I could "tag" along with their group to explore the city.

4.  One of my neighbors lived as a missionary in Kenya for 20 years! I'm going to see if she can teach me some culture and customs before I leave. What a  great blessing she would be.

Mainly, I am getting SO excited for this trip. I can't wait, and I am so thankful to all the people who are helping make this happen!

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