
Give Me Your Eyes... Love This Song

Monday, March 14, 2011

Back Home

It is such a strange thing, leaving an emotionally draining, exhilarating, and changing experience to come home to normalcy.What do you do with a new group of memories that have no place in your every day life?

At work, my coworkers do want to know the truth of my experience. However, many customers are curious too. But, what do you say? The truth... "I was robbed by armed men; I was harrassed and scared almost my whole trip; I was left alone a good portion of my time; I met some amazing volunteers that I will never get to see again, and that makes me so sad; I miss baby Kepha and wish I could adopt him..." They don't want to know that. So, I say, "It was fine. I learned a lot." Then, they happily take their mocha or black coffee and finish their days. It's not that I resent their lack of sincerity, it that I want someone else in Grand Rapids to understand. But, they can't, and really I don't want them to. My experience is not something that I wish on others.

Yet, I feel guilty passing negative light on this trip because there were some amazing moments. I loved my host mom. She made me feel safe and loved in a place where there was no safety and maybe too much love (of my skin color).
I loved my friends, Katie, Lauren, Debbie, Emily, and Nikki. They kept me sane and happy. They were my traveling buddies, and we have a bond that no one will ever have with me again. It's an intimacy that shares no real depth.
Moraa, Moraa was my guiding light. She was an example of selflessness, faith, and happiness. She is a woman who is devastated materially and completely blessed spiritually. I am so happy to know her, and to have shared a part of her life.

Since coming home, I received word that another volunteer, Emily told her education organization about Moraa. Now, 6 of her kids are getting sent to school with new uniforms and books. They never have to worry again whether they will get to learn! Hallelujah

Thank you for following this journey with me. I've heard so many people say, "I loved your blog. I followed it like a novel." Thank you. It's nice to hear.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Safari- Coming Home

Hello. Well the trip has ended. I feel slightly like I survived Kenya instead of experiencing Kenya. I don't feel "back to normal" yet... even though I'm home in sweet Rockford, MI surrounded by all my friends. I'm sure it'll just take time and I'll adjust to modern day again.

I couldn't get on here during safari or after because we got home late on Monday (and there wasn't power Monday night) and Tuesday I spent the whole day doing some last minute shopping in Karen and getting my hair braided. It's way cute. Stop into Sbux if you want to see my braids. :)

Safari was AWESOME. It was everything I hoped it would be. Our safari guide was crazy, crude, and rude... and I loved him. He said terrible things, but they were hilarious and made me feel less scared because I was shocked all the time. We saw every animal you could think of except a leopard. My favorite were the cheetahs and elephants. The most scary were the baboons. Pics will be posted soon because a girl got sick and let my use her camera the whole weekend! So, I have great pics that I actually got to take. It was so wonderful (except for her who was sick with Malaria... egh)

The trip home was surreal... until I fainted. I got up to go to the bathroom (again) on the first plan, and I fainted. I was so excited/nervous/in shock that I was going home that I passed out. My seat partner was my little mother hen and scooped me up, kicked out some people from their seats, and made me rest for a few hours. :) I felt so loved by her... and she was a stranger. Her name was Catarina (my Oma's name) and she was from Amsterdam (my Oma's home town)... we had a bond.

Vinnie, my mom, Layna, and Heidi all met me at the airport. :) I got flowers, a trip to red robin, a milkshake, and lots of hugs/kisses.

It's good to be home.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Another Stressful Disaster

Hello Blog Followers.

Big News 1: I ate a mango and didn't break out! woohoo
Big News 2: I am leaving Kenya in 5 days.
Big News 3: I was accused of being a thief and a lier today. :(

Mombassa was such a nice relief from Nairobi. I'm back in Ngong, and even my taxi driver from the airport was like, "Be safe. They found a couple of bodies in Ngong in the last weeks." Thank you, Kenya, for bringing fear to my everyday. YET it has brought so much fun/wonderful memories/stories/people/and blessings into my life, I would never trade this trip... just parts of it. Maybe I'll write a book. ha

Anyway, Mombasa is much safer than Nairobi. We walked around at night without any problems. Not one person thought it was strange for us to be out after dark. Unlike Vampire Village Nairobi, where as soon as it's dusk you run for your homes.

I rode a motorcycle taxi like 6 times. :D It was AWESOME. My dad is going to kill me when he reads this blog, but I loved it. AND, we sat 3 to a bike. HA... if God has protected me this long, I figure a motorbike ride isn't too risky. 

Now, to the big story of the post:
Yesterday, two of the volunteers who were also at Tabby's for holiday decided to leave early. They needed one of us to deliver 2000KSH to Tabby. They handed it to one girl, and she handed it to me. mistake: accepting it.
I put the money in my Ziploc bag inside my backpack so it wouldn't get mixed with my money, and then us girls all went to dinner at Ali Babas Cave (side note: it's in a real cave on the side of the ocean). When we returned, the money was no longer in my Ziploc bag.
In the morning, I searched every pocket, every crevice, and emptied my bag three times in order to find the money. It was nowhere!
So, I went to Tabby's to give her the money I owed her. Then, I told her what happened, and said that if she cleaned the room and found 2000 shillings it would be the lost money. She left the room for about 5 minutes, and then she came back, looked at me, and said, "You took it. You took the money, and now you need to pay me 2000 shillings." I say, "No. I'm not paying it to you. I only have enough in my possession to get a taxi to and from the airport."
Then, she left. I left too. No way was I getting locked in a room with a mad African woman. I went back to my room and searched my stuff again. Still no money. Then, Tabby came into my room, sat across from me, and calmly said, "I don't really care about the money. I care that you're lying to me." I almost slapped her. Seriously!? I said, "Tabby, I understand that you're upset. I am going to give Fadhili the money. But, I can't give you 2000KSH right now. I need to get home to Ngong."
"Fine, I'll call Fadhili right now then."
"Go ahead. I'm not a lier."

Then, I packed my bags into my awaiting taxi, talked to Fadhili, and got back in the cab. Her husband, Cosmos goes, "Give me the phone. You aren't leaving." (Please... like they could keep me.)
"Here you go." I turned to my taxi," I'm ready to leave now." The poor taxi guy looked from one of us to the other and then got in the car. Bluh. I really don't care if she thinks I stole her money... but if I had I wouldn't not have told her it was lost.

Yet, here comes the typical part: I found the money in the airport. I opened my journal to write all this down, and there it was. Hello 2000ksh. At least now I wont have to hand the woman who accused me of being a thief and a lier the money, and I wont have to take the money out of my seriously dwindling account.

That's the big news of today.
God Bless,

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Mombasa is actually Fun!

I thought I'd update after my slightly depressing and sad post. I am actually having a lot of fun in Mombasa. It is soooo much safer than Nairobi!

I've ridden in a tuktuk, gone out to an Indian restaurant, spent the whole day at a resort pool (only$6!), watched my soap opera (ha), eaten icecream, gone out for a drink, and today I'm getting henna done.

There are more people here now. Today I'm spending the day with 2 different girls than yesterday and the day before. :) I love new friends.

The only sad thing is that I've forgotten my phone charger, so I can't make any more calls till I return to Nairobi on Thursday. But, that's ok. I still have email, facebook, and my blog.

I hope you're all having a fantastic week!